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About the City of Marion

Councils in South Australia participate in the provision of important social and economic infrastructure and, where appropriate, act as an advocate, planner, coordinator and facilitator.

Marion Council aims to provide services and facilities that support the social, environmental and economic needs of residents, businesses and visitors.

The Local Government Act 1999 and its accompanying regulations set out the legal framework in which councils operate.

What is Council's role

Defining Council’s role helps to clarify the extent of its activities and involvement in the community. It also helps ensure resources are allocated in the most efficient and effective manner.

As set out in the Local Government Act 1999, the principal roles of a Council is to:

  • Act as a representative, informed and responsible decision-maker in the interests of its community.
  • Provide and coordinate various public services and facilities and to develop its community and resources in a socially just and ecologically sustainable manner.
  • Encourage and develop initiatives within its community for improving the quality of life of the community.
  • Represent the interests of its community to the wider community.
  • Exercise, perform and discharge the powers, functions and duties of Local Government under this and other Acts in relation to the area for which it is constituted.

How does City of Marion operate

The residents and ratepayers of the area elect the Council to decide the overall direction and policies of the area.

The Council then employs a CEO who is the senior member of the staff and, as the manager, is responsible for ensuring that the policies and decisions of the Council are implemented.

The CEO also has a responsibility to act as an adviser to the Council and to ensure that the Council acts within the law.

Further information

Explore this About Council section of the City of Marion website to find out more about how Council operates as well as its Elected Members, Council meetings, strategic direction, policies and more.

Should you be unable to find an answer to any of your queries on this site, please call our customer service centre.