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Feedback and complaints

The City of Marion is committed to excellence in governance and providing quality services to our customers. Your feedback on our processes, decisions, service and staff - whether positive or negative - is important to us, and will be used to monitor and improve our service for the benefit of all of our customers.

We work hard to provide you with a great experience every time you contact us, but understand this won't always happen.

Submit your feedback or complaint

To provide feedback or to make a complaint, you can:

  • Complete the online feedback and complaints form
  • Phone us on 8375 6600
  • Chat with us during the business hours of 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday on Live Chat
  • Write to us at PO Box 21, Oaklands Park SA 5046

What happens next?

If you submit feedback, this will be referred to the relevant department within council and a response provided to you if required.

If you submit a complaint, we will always aim to solve your issue the first time you contact us. If we can't resolve the issue immediately, we will provide you with details about our next steps: how long it will take us, what is involved, and who in council is helping to get that resolution.

You can read more about how we handle complaints in the following documents:

What if I'm not satisfied with the result?

Escalated Complaint

If a complaint cannot be resolved in the first instance, it will be referred to either a supervisor or manager. Additionally, where the circumstances indicate that the complaint would be more appropriately dealt with at a higher level, the matter will be escalated further. Complaints of this nature must be made in writing and outline the specific nature of the complaint.

Internal Grievance Review - Review of Decision (pursuant to Section 270 of the Local Government Act)

Where a complaint cannot be resolved in the first instance and or by a supervisor or manager, a formal review of decision may be requested in accordance with S270 of the Local Government Act. Complaints of this nature must be made in writing to the Manager Office of the CEO and outline the specific nature of the complaint and the dis-satisfaction with any internal review completed so far. Further details of the requirements of a request of this nature and the process can be found in the Complaints and Grievance Policy and Procedure.

Ombudsman Review (refer to Ombudsman SA)

We may not always be able to resolve your issue the way you want us to, but we always aim to be both fair and reasonable.

If you don't receive the outcome you expected after following the steps above, you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman who will look at whether our processes have been fair and reasonable, and whether the decision is reasonable and lawful.

Council Member Behavioural Management Framework

The Council Member Behavioural Management Framework provides the legislative framework within which all council members must operate and provides the process for the management of complaints relating to a breach in the Behavioural Standards for Council Members.

To view the Behavioural Standards for Council Members and associated Behavioural Management Policy, including details on how to make a complaint, visit the following page: Council Member Behavioural Management Framework

Public Interest Disclosure

If you have witnessed and/or are aware of corruption, misconduct, maladministration, and/or wrongdoing within the City of Marion, you can play an active role in the reporting these.

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018 (PID Act) came into effect on 1 July 2019. It repeals and replaces the Whistleblowers Protection Act 1993.

About the Act

There are two types of disclosures that are covered by the PID Act:

1. Environmental and health information

Environmental and health information is the disclosure of information about substantial risks to public health or safety, or to the environment.

2. Public administration information

Public administration information is the disclosure of information about corruption, misconduct or maladministration in public administration.

Who can make an appropriate disclosure?

Anyone can make an 'appropriate disclosure' of environment and health information.

Protections under the Act

The PID Act provides protection to a person who makes an 'appropriate disclosure' of public interest information they are not subject to any liability as a result of that disclosure and their identity will be protected, making it an offence to victimise that person.

How to report

You can access to Stopline to report your concerns. Stopline are an external independent service provider which gives you access to a confidential, independent service who will take full details of your concerns via telephone, mail, email or website. It is also important to know this enables anyone to maintain anonymity should they so desire.

You can also make a report by emailing:

This is a confidential email address and persons making the complainant will remain confidential unless permission is granted to release their name.