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Petitions are an important way for the community to make requests to Council and provide information. They are one of the ways in which people can advise Council of their concerns and influence the decision making process.

As an informed and responsible decision maker, the City of Marion has a role to ensure decisions are made with openness and transparency whilst aligning to the requirements of the Local Government Act 1999 and associated regulations.

The City of Marion has adopted a Petition Policy that is consistent with the Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2013 and the Council Member Code of Practice - Procedures at Council Meetings.

Important Note: A petition is a public document. By signing it, it is agreed that the names, addresses and signatures on the petition will be made available in the public realm. The City of Marion will record these details for the purpose of the petition only.

How to deliver a petition

Deliver petitions to City of Marion by the following methods:

In person: 245 Sturt Road, Sturt SA 5047
Post: PO Box 21 Park Holme South Australia 5043