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The word 'policy' may mean different things to different people. In general, it's a guiding or governing principle.

The City of Marion has defined a policy as: The overall intentions and direction of the organisation.

A 'Governance Policy' is defined using all of the following criteria:

  1. It is a governing principle that mandates or constrains actions.
  2. It is a requirement under statutory legislation (e.g. Local Government Act) or sets strategic direction for the Council as a whole (rather than service related).
  3. It helps ensure compliance and enhances the Council's mission.
  4. It effects elected members individually or as a whole council, external customers and/or more than one department.
  5. It will change infrequently and sets a course for the foreseeable future.
  6. It is approved by the Council.

One of the most important roles Council has is to participate in making policy and decisions on behalf of the community. An essential part of policy making is identifying community needs, setting objectives to meet those needs, establishing priorities between competing demands and allocating resources.

Policies adopted by the City of Marion

Schedule of Delegations and Sub-Delegations

Council Delegation and CEO Sub-delegation

In accordance with Section 44(6) of The Local Government Act 1999, the Council may delegate its statutory powers and functions. An instrument of delegation providing for the delegation of powers and functions by the Council is available below.

In accordance with section 44(4)(b) and 101 of the Local Government Act, Council authorises any delegated power of function made to the CEO to be sub-delegated by the CEO unless the Council otherwise advises. The sub-delegations have been included.

Authorisations and sub-delegation under the Road Traffic Act 1961

The Minister for Transport and Infrastructure granted delegations to the Council under the Instrument of General Approval and Delegation (dated 22 August 2013) (General Approval). The General Approval permits the Council to:

  1. sub-delegate the powers under section 33(1) of the Road Traffic Act; and
  2. authorise employees of the Council to exercise the powers under sections 17 and 20 of the Road Traffic Act.

An instrument of sub-delegation and General Approval providing authorisations to employees is detailed below.

Development Delegations relating to the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016