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Water management

Water management in South Australia is a critical issue and the City of Marion is committed to protecting our water quality and maximising water conservation.

Each year the Council uses about 130 megalitres of mains supply water (from SA Water) to irrigate parks and reserves and supply Council-owned and operated buildings. This figure is about half of what Council previously used prior to the introduction of water restrictions and a commitment by Council to reduce reliance on mains water in 2005.

In addition to using mains water, Council also uses groundwater for irrigation of large parks and reserves. The City of Marion is committed to using water as efficiently as possible and has developed a Landscape Irrigation Management Plan to guide what we irrigate, when we irrigate and how much water we use.

Where available, recycled stormwater is the preferred source of water for irrigation. The Oaklands Wetland will provide a significant source of recycled stormwater for irrigation of reserves in Council’s northern and central region. Other sources of stormwater are being investigated by Council.

Our Customer Charter outlines Council's responsibility as a small scale recycled water provider.

Our water management objectives

  • To conserve water resources, protect water quality and provide water for the environment.
  • To become a Water Senstitive City.

Our approach to water management

The City of Marion approaches water management by considering water as part of a ‘water cycle’ where all parts of the cycle are dependent on each other.

By thinking about our activities as being part of a water cycle, there are many new ways that we approach activities such as landscaping, drainage and building design. This approach is referred to as Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD).

Activities that incorporate WSUD
  • Protect the quality and quantity of existing water supplies;
  • Enhance or restoring degraded water sources;
  • Control pollution to water sources and unnatural flow regimes; and
  • Allow for adaptation to a decreased and variable water supply.
  • Council undertakes a range of activities to ensure irrigation water us used efficiently, these include:
  • Converting irrigation systems from manual to automatic.
  • Irrigation audits.
  • Use of subsurface irrigation.
  • Use of water meters on bores.
  • Reducing the area of certain reserves being irrigated.
  • Ceasing irrigation entirely on a number of reserves.
  • Using deep mulches on garden beds and revegetated areas to reduce evaporation.

Water conservation is also a consideration in Council buildings.

Activities to reduce consumption
  • Use of dual flush toilets and trials of water efficient urinals in all end-of-life replacements.
  • Water saving shower heads at the Marion Swimming Centre and Sports Clubs.
  • Insulation (lagging) on hot water pipes.
  • Use of water efficient kitchen appliances in end-of-life replacements.
  • Flow restrictors and aerators on replacement taps in bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Pool blanket at Marion Swimming Centre.
  • Council works actively with the State Government on surface water and groundwater quality issues. This includes:
  • Installation of trash racks and gross pollutant traps in stormwater systems.
  • Regular street sweeping programs throughout the Council.
  • Emergency responses to minor spill events.
  • Seeking opportunities to retain water naturally onsite through ‘water sensitive urban design’.
  • Management of water courses to prevent erosion.
  • Working with the State Government Environment Protection Authority to understand groundwater quality.