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Council Assessment Panel (CAP)

Council has established a Council Assessment Panel (CAP) pursuant to the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Information relating to the role and function of the Council Assessment Panel is available at the SA Planning Portal: SA Planning Portal

The CAP has a total of five members.

Of the five members, there is one Elected Member of the Council, and four members that are independent of the Council. The Council selected the independent members through an Expression of Interest process that was open to members of the public.

The CAP members are:

  • Michael Davis (Independent Presiding Member)
  • Benjamin Russ (Independent Member)
  • Yvonne Svensson (Independent Member)
  • Bryn Adams (Independent Member)
  • Councillor Nathan Prior (Council Member)

  • Jock Smylie (Deputy Independent Member)
  • Councillor Matt Taylor (Deputy Council Member)


Jock Smylie is only able to act as a deputy member in the absence of an Independent Member, and Councillor Matt Taylor is only able to act as a deputy member in the absence of a Council Member (Councillor Nathan Prior).


The Council Assessment Panel (CAP) meetings are held in the Council Administration building at 245 Sturt Road, Sturt.

Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of every month (except in January, a meeting will be held on the third Wednesday of the month).

Meetings will ordinarily commence at 6.30pm at the Council’s administration building, 245 Sturt Road, Sturt.

Role of the Council Assessment Panel (CAP)

The CAP considers a wide range of development applications, ensuring that new development proposals are consistent with the Planning & Design Code. The role of the CAP is to make decisions to either approve or refuse certain types of development applications.

The CAP is a 'Relevant Authority' pursuant to the Planning, Development & Infrastructure Act 2016. Presently, the CAP considers any application that has undergone Public Notification and received a representation against the proposal where the representor has indicated a desire to be heard. All other applications are delegated to the Marion Council Assessment Manager for assessment.

The CAP is presented with a report on every application to be considered. Each report assesses the proposal against the applicable provisions of the Planning & Design Code and includes documentation from the applicant (or their consultant) and copies of representations lodged in respect to the application being considered. Those reports are available to view below under "Agendas and Minutes" on the Friday prior to the meeting.

In respect of any matter that is before the panel or likely to be considered by the panel, members of the Council Assessment Panel are not permitted to discuss, comment or express an opinion upon the merits of that matter with applicants, representors, members of the public or government agencies.

Members of the CAP are required to strictly adhere to the State Government's Code of Conduct. Any complaints regarding the conduct of a CAP member must be referred to the South Australian State Planning Commission.

Independent CAP Members must hold the required Planning Accreditation as outlined by the State Planning Commission. Further information on the required accreditation can be obtained via the PlanSA website.

Marion Council Assessment Panel - Review of a Decision of the Assessment Manager

Pursuant to Section 202(1)(b)(i)(A) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 an applicant can apply to the Marion Council Assessment Panel to review a ‘prescribed matter’ in relation to a development application where the Council Assessment Manager is the Relevant Authority in making a decision. This includes a review of a ‘prescribed matter’ undertaken by a sub-delegate of the Assessment Manager.

It is important to note this applies only for applications lodged under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act (i.e. from 19 March 2021).

What is a ‘Prescribed Matter’?

A “Prescribed Matter” is outlined as;

  • Any assessment, request, decision, direction or act of the Assessment Manager under the Act that is relevant to any aspect of the determination of the development application; or
  • A decision to refuse to grant development authorisation to the application; or
  • The imposition of conditions in relation to a grant of development authorisation; or
  • Subject to any exclusion prescribed by the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017, any other assessment, request, decision, direction or act of the Assessment Manager under the Act in relation to the grant of development authorisation.

Review Process

Section 203 (Part 16, Division 1) of the Act outlines the statutory requirements for the review by the Council Assessment Panel of a decision of an Assessment Manager.

  • A review of the Assessment Manager’s decision is undertaken in accordance with the Marion Council Assessment Panel Review Of Decision Of Assessment Manager Procedure (LINK).
  • An application for review must be made within 1 month of receiving notice of the decision constituting a prescribed matter.
  • An application must be made in a prescribed manner (refer to Application to Assessment Panel for Assessment Manager’s Decision Review Form (LINK))
  • A fee of $511.00 must be paid to the Panel (via Council) when lodging the request.

The Panel may on a review affirm the decision, vary the decision or set aside the decision and substitute its own decision.

Lodging Written Materials and Documents

All documents and written communications with the Panel must be lodged via (select one option):

  • The SA Planning Portal (to the extent the Portal is able to receive such a submission);
  • Emailed to:
  • Hand-delivery or post to

Attention: Marion Council Assessment Panel

PO Box 21

Park Holme SA 5043

CAP Operations

Council Assessment Panel (CAP) Agendas and minutes

Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month (except in January, a meeting will be held on the third Wednesday of the month).

Please note a meeting will only go ahead if there are sufficient items to be considered.

The agenda will be available for viewing via link below on the Friday prior to the meeting date.

Meeting DateDownload
Meeting DateDownload
View Archive

Development Assessment Panel (DAP) agendas and minutes

Prior to 1 October 2017, the Council Assessment Panel (CAP) was known as the Development Assessment Panel (DAP).

Historical agendas and minutes from the DAP are available to view.

Council Assessment Panel (CAP) Confidential Items Register

Clause 13(2)(a) and (b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017, allows items to be heard and considered in confidence. The CAP determine which items can be released, with this information subsequently found in the public minutes.

Confidential CAP Items Released

CAP020823 - 4.1 - 216-220 Seacombe Road Seaview Downs

Report and minutes released. Attachments available to view upon request.

CAP030523 - 4.1 - 3 & 7-9 Franklin Street Sturt

Report and minutes released. Attachments available to view upon request.

CAP060722 - 4.2 - 1 & 3 Freya Avenue Hallett Cove

Report and minutes released. Attachments available to view upon request.

CAP040522 - 4.1 - 10 and 12 Renown Avenue Clovelly Park

Report and minutes released. Attachments available to view upon request.

CAP060422 - 4.3 - 10 and 12 Renown Avenue, Clovelly Park

Report and minutes released. Attachments available to view upon request.