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Housing conditions

Unsightly properties

What can Council do about an 'unsightly' property?

A City of Marion Community Safety Inspector and/or Planning Officer will inspect the property to assess the condition of the property to determine whether or not the land and/or building/s can be deemed unsightly.

In the case where a property is 'unsightly', the land and/or structures/objects located on the land must be deemed to detract significantly from the amenity of the local area in which the land is situated.

The inspector will also check for potential health (e.g. vermin) and safety (e.g. overgrown grass) risks and will speak to the owner or occupier in the event the first instance.

Should the owner/occupier of the land fail to rectify the issues as requested by Council, an order may be issued for any remediation to the property to be completed by a specific date. If the problem still exists at the time the order has expired, Council may complete the work and charge the owner.

Please note that Council does not have any jurisdiction or control over requests to remediate private property in situations where personal taste is concerned such as unusual colour schemes, novel landscaping realising that standards of living differ between each household.

In the case of State Heritage-listed buildings, the paint scheme selected must meet certain criteria established by the State Heritage Branch.

Hoarding and Squalor

Environmental Health Officers are authorised under the Public Health Act 2011, and are able to investigate complaints regarding housing conditions that may constitute hoarding and squalor.

The majority of hoarding and squalor complaints that are investigated by the Environmental Health Officers involve concerns regarding large accumulations of refuse on properties and substandard conditions along with vermin infestation.

Further information

For further information, please contact:

City of Marion

In person: 245 Sturt Road, Sturt SA 5047

Post :PO Box 21 Park Holme South Australia 5043